Root Canal Therapy in Calgary - Dental Clinic in Calgary
If you’re a Calgarian and you’re experiencing severe pain when you’re chewing or biting; a chipped or cracked tooth; swollen or tender gums; or even sensitivity to hot or cold, you may need root canal therapy in Calgary.
When a deep cavity forms in a tooth, it can spread through the enamel and into the dentin. Dentin is the layer underneath the enamel that protects the very core of the tooth, which is the pulp. When a decay spreads far into a tooth, the nerve structure of the tooth can die. Cavities are the most common cause of this condition, but these can also arise from complications during a filling.
Our Calgary dentists will treat you right away and will educate you properly on what a root canal therapy is. They’ll sit you down first with a consultation along with having your x-rays taken to properly assess the site of the pain. Then, we will book you in for a second appointment in which our dentists will perform the root canal treatment.
The root canal itself needs to be cleaned out. In order to do this, the tooth will be drilled into in order to access the pulp. This is done using special instruments along with chemicals to break down the bacteria that has formed inside. The inflamed pulp and nerve tissue is removed and the tooth is filled with a material which blocks the root structure. It stops fluids from entering the tooth and interfering with the tooth’s interior. This also strengthens the structure since the drilling and infection will have significantly weakened the integrity of the tooth. A tooth is usually crowned after a root canal therapy. This can take one or more visits to fully complete the treatment, and a follow-up appointment is usually made after 6 months of the procedure to check on the state of the tooth and its healing.
Root canal can sometimes be extensive, however, our family dentists in Calgary will properly take care of you and any of your concerns regarding this treatment. Contact Westhills Dental Care to arrange an appointment.